Slade May 30, 2017 Podcast How to F*up Your Ability to Manifest Joy and Abundance Slade May 30, 2017 Podcast The hideous habit that is destroying your ability to manifest and what to do about it.
Slade May 23, 2017 Podcast Power of the Mind in Health and Healing with Dr. Keith Holden Slade May 23, 2017 Podcast Slade Roberson interviews Dr. Keith Holden about the mind-body connection, spirituality in medicine, and the power of the mind in health and healing.
Slade May 16, 2017 Podcast Spirituality, Leadership and Adventure with Lori Ference Slade May 16, 2017 Podcast Slade Roberson interviews Lori Ference about Spirituality, Leadership and Adventure.
Slade May 9, 2017 Podcast The Black Madonna with Licia Berry Slade May 9, 2017 Podcast Slade Roberson shares an interview with Licia Berry about The Black Madonna on the Shift Your Spirits podcast.
Slade May 2, 2017 Angels, Podcast Stranger Angels: Part 2 - Jesse (audio) Slade May 2, 2017 Angels, Podcast Jesse was the first person to suggest to me that some of the benevolent strangers we encounter are not even human, but incarnated guardians. Corporeal angels. Stranger Angels Part 2, Episode 09 of the Shift Your Spirits podcast.