Writer’s block is real and it can be triggered by negative, self-limiting beliefs.

Creative blocks are caused by a variety of psychological barriers that can go beyond inspiration and craft, manifesting as challenges like:

  • putting out your best work only to see disappointing results

  • trying to release past failures and learn from them

  • feeling unsure about the direction you should take

  • being afraid you’re going to pick the wrong project

  • overanalyzing strategic decisions to the point of paralysis

  • worrying about how exciting new ideas will impact your brand

  • comparing yourself to other writers

  • thinking maybe you just don't have what it takes

Self-doubt, perfectionism, shame, and fear can affect writers at any stage of their careers, and if not dealt with, they can lead to a vicious cycle of anxiety, depression, stress, and burnout.

And more blocks.

Even if you quit.

Because if being a writer is your calling, then *not* writing isn't a viable option.

You’re intelligent, creative, ambitious — you know you have something important to share with the world — but something is keeping you from breaking through to the next level, taking the next step, or even getting started.

You beat yourself up for not being able to “push through,” but it’s not only a matter of discipline, desire, or will.

The usual productivity hacks and self-help techniques aren’t working because they don’t address the underlying psychological barriers.

You need clarity before diving into another strategy.

By identifying the unique, subconscious source of your blocks, you can release limiting beliefs, reframe your mindset, and then apply targeted strategies to overcome them.

The goals are:

  • clarity of purpose, empowering you to confidently make decisions

  • a state of creative flow where your ideas effortlessly translate into words on the page

  • a career that positively impacts other people’s lives while maintaining a healthy balance in your own

Are you open to exploring an innovative process?

Since 2006, I’ve been helping thousands of people identify and overcome what’s holding them back.

I’m not a therapist — and I don’t really care for the term coaching; it feels patronizing to me — but my guided visualization process is grounded in evidence-based techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Narrative Therapy, with a little of my own trademark intuitive insights.

The wisdom is already within you — I can help you access it in one hour.

$200 USD

Every writer’s experience is unique — I want to ensure this process will address your specific needs and make the most of our time. Please fill out my Google form and I'll get back to you with details about purchasing and scheduling.