You need to know what you can do. And when it would be best to do it.
You’ve been meditating, manifesting, praying, not sleeping, sleeping with one eye open, vision-boarding, visualizing, always on the lookout for a Sign, the Synchronicity, the Contact who has the information you’re looking for, the Great Idea overheard at just the right time and place that it could only be a Message…
I hear those Messages.
I’m a “clairaudient” intuitive. The kind of psychic who hears things.
Words. Phrases. Names. Shining Sentences.
When you ask me to listen in — to eavesdrop, to hack into the Akashic Records and view your file — I can retrieve this information and help you decode it now. No more waiting for chance and blundering around wondering.
But you have to request it — your permission is the only way your guides will allow me access. It’s the secret password your reading requires.
We can pull enough information for you to keep your mission moving forward for the next six months, a year, maybe even longer. New options will reveal themselves and begin branching off in all directions as soon as you take any mindful course of action. There will be practical steps for you to take — actual actions down here in the real world — when you’re ready to implement them.
It’s okay if you can’t decipher these Messages on your own.
Don’t beat yourself up about that. No matter how spiritual, connected, plugged in, or motivated you are, every one of us needs someone objective and external to our situation to provide affirmation and clarity.
Since 2005, thousands of people have asked me to perform readings for them — and many of my repeat clients are professional intuitives themselves.
I have been having readings with Slade for a few years now. I work as a professional intuitive but find that no matter how intuitive you are, it can really help to have someone validate your intuition and shine a light in the darkness when you’re going through difficulties or uncertainty.
This is what Slade does for me in a reading.
Slade is a born spiritual counselor and intuitive. He brings qualities to his work that in my experience are not commonly found in this profession: wisdom, warmth, kindness, respect, and a very down to earth approach.
I know his intuitive read on situations is accurate and true because he puts words to dynamics and situations that I have not quite figured out at the time I get the reading, but it always makes total sense later on.
Occasionally an intuitive might give you info in a reading which can worry you with its warnings or interfere with your free will or path of learning – this is not how it is with Slade’s readings. He has respect for the human and spiritual path of learning and your current place on it. You never feel judged, ‘hurried along’ or disempowered after a session with Slade. On the contrary.
I highly and wholeheartedly recommend Slade as an intuitive reader. He’s accurate, honest, and a lovely person. That’s why I value his services highly and continue to work with him.
Anna Sayce
This is your intuition at work.
You’re here right now reading this page because you are intuitive. Your guides are speaking to you.
There are Messages for you.
Suggestions. Directions. Options. Answers.
If you’re tired of spinning, if over-thinking is just leading to more confusion and paralysis, if waiting and wondering have become the exact opposite of investment and action…
Check your gut…
Is it time to talk to me?
Live consultations by phone or Skype can be purchased and scheduled in 30 Minute or 60 Minute sessions:
30-Minute Reading — $200 USD
A 30 Minute call is perfectly suited to one main issue/ question/ area of exploration, or possibly two questions/ issues, especially those that may be related. You can always ask as many follow-up questions as the allotted time will allow, but if we do any energy clearing exercise, it is best not to try to “rush” through a whole lot of fragmented bits and pieces of information. If you wish to explore three or more issues, please book a 60 Minute Reading to ensure we have the appropriate amount of time.
Click here for full details about booking your phone reading
60-Minute Reading — $300 USD
An hour is the most comfortable amount of time for me to address multiple questions/ issues, as well as conducting energetic clearing work and/or prescribing healing exercises for you to practice on your own.
Click here for full details about booking your phone reading

60-Minute Reading -- $300 USD An hour is the most comfortable amount of time for me to address multiple questions/ issues, as well as conducting energetic clearing work and/or prescribing healing exercises for you to practice on your own.
Click here for full details about booking your phone reading