The Positive Side of Mercury Retrograde

If you participate in any kind of social media, befriend new agey people and follow spiritualist topics, you'll be blasted with cries of alarm and dire warnings every time Mercury goes Retrograde. Feel free to spend all day googling "The Meaning of Mercury Retrograde" and "What To Do During Mercury Retrograde."

...3 weeks, 3 times a year (4 times in some years) = 2 to 3 months per year...

That's a huge chunk of your life to spend in fear of taking action.

More than anything, Mercury impacts communication. Writing, computers… Um, I don't have 3 weeks to put the core my working life on hold, do you?

And this is, after all, Shift Your Spirits, so let's reframe all the Chicken Little bullshit posted online and make Mercury Rx work for us:

How Mercury Retrograde Can Be a Blessing

Breakdowns. Delays. You can see exactly where things are not working properly. This is a totally effective, practical diagnostic. You have a chance to fix problems and issues.

Procrastination. The Someday Pile. You can take those big ideas left simmering on the back burner and bring them forward. Finish something you started a long time ago. Complete items on your nagging long-overdue list.

Introspection. Reflection. You can jump in the deep end of a big ol' woo woo bubble bath. Journaling, vision boarding, meditating, day dreaming. Self-help, personal development, spiritual evolution. General navel gazing is favored.

The Positive Side of Mercury Retrograde

During Mercury Retrograde, there is absolutely no good reason to suspend plans you've already made, or stop working on important projects you've already started.

Engage in activities associated with words that begin with Re- :

Re-build. Re-check. Re-connect. Re-consider. Re-decorate. Re-discover. Re-establish. Re-evaluate. Re-file. Re-finish. Re-flect. Re-frame. Re-fuel. Re-join. Re-juvenate. Re-lax. Re-lease. Re-new. Re-negotiate. Re-organize. Re-pair. Re-plenish. Re-solve. Re-turn. Re-unite. Re-view. Re-vise. Re-visit. Re-vive. Re-work.

Each individual Mercury Retrograde, at a specific time of year, varies from others according to the House and Sign in which it occurs.

For current Mercury Retrograde information relevant to specific months and years, connect with me on social media.

I post links and additional time-sensitive info on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

Image credit Thomas Hawk via Creative Commons on Flickr