Maybe You Need to Forgive Yourself

Image - Yourself You probably already know that forgiveness is an act intended to benefit you more than the other person you choose to forgive.

If you still feel angry about the hurt inflicted upon you by someone's actions, those emotions can solidify as psychic cords -- threads that bind you to that person and anchor you in the past.

These cords are conduits of energy -- the larger they grow, the more deeply embedded they become, the more pain and poison they are able to dump within your energy body.

The longer you cling to them, the further you allow them to burrow, the harder they become to break or remove.

But often the environment of pain that surrounds you, without any other identifiable antagonist, can be even more insidious:

  • the circumstances in your life that you resent.
  • the things that you feel powerless to change.
  • the conditions you use to define yourself as a victim.

Maybe you truly can't change these forces -- but you can, from time to time, stop and release the feelings you have toward them. You can catch and silence the bitter, muttering voices that you've become used to listening to, the ones that become too easy to channel.

When you let those negative thoughts slide by, they disguise themselves as your own, as a product of your intelligence, even when they originated as a mind virus outside of you.

These thoughts and emotions pollute the space around you and create more unwanted, self-fulfilling evidence of doom.

So, maybe the person you need to forgive is yourself --

  • for having unrealistic expectations about the outcome of your efforts,
  • for pressuring yourself and others to perform miracles,
  • for sabotaging everything that you can't make perfect...

Slade's signature

Image credit h.koppdelaney via Creative Commons on Flickr