Manage and Protect Your Psychic Energy

Empathy — experiencing external emotional energies as your own moods and sensitivities and feelings — is the foundation of being psychic.

If you identify as a lightworker, or someone who is actively seeking a spiritual path, absorbing other people's energy comes with the territory of everyday life. For some professions, it can be an occupational hazard.


32 - Psychic Protection


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...empath, psychic protection, psychic shielding, astral projection, grounding, meditation, kundalini, white light, auras, spirit guides...

Psychic Shielding for Empaths

The Astral Projection Guidebook by Erin Pavlina


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Hey, thanks for listening to the Shift Your Spirits podcast.

I’m your host Slade Roberson. For eleven years, I’ve been a professional intuitive and the author of the blog Shift Your Spirits, where I try to write about spirituality with fewer hearts and flowers than most New Age blather.

I also mentor emerging intuitives, psychics, and healers in a program called Automatic Intuition.

Today I want to share some techniques for psychic shielding and managing your energy.

And, of course, as always, there’s an oracle segment at the end of the show.

So be thinking about a question or a concern you have. Hold it in your mind, and I’ll come back on, after the final links and credits, and leave you with that extra message.


I'd like to say a quick thank you to my newest supporters on Patreon:




I appreciate all of you who have pledged your support and I’m really excited to see the new names each week. It demonstrates that you’re enjoying the show and want it to continue. That’s very encouraging to me, so thank you.

Listeners who support the show on Patreon can access bonus Q&A episodes, where you guys send in questions, I record answers to them, and they go out to patrons of the show exclusively.

I'm thinking of offering a new level of support for the show where you get to access the downloadable courses and books from the shop on my site.

The way I’m thinking this would probably work is that each month one course will be featured and accessible and then I would rotate through most of the products I have available.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about this. Write and tell me.

I’ll let you know for sure when I decide to do this. You can always edit your pledge amount if you made one months ago and want to raise it to access the bonus content.

I’m including a new link now in the show notes on how to do that.

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I’d also like to give a quick shout out to Titti and Heather, Patreon supporters who requested today’s show topic about managing and protecting your psychic energy.


I’ve yet to encounter anyone who has a high level of natural intuitive abilities — such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, or claircognizance — who is not also primarily clairsentient.

Empathy — experiencing external emotional energies as your own moods and sensitivities and feelings — is the foundation of being psychic.

If you identify as a lightworker, or someone who is actively seeking a spiritual path, it comes with the territory of everyday life. And for those who take this identity into the professional realm — obvious careers such as psychotherapists, counselors, coaches, social workers, medical professionals, massage therapists, energy healers, psychics, ministers, teachers, and child care; but also human resource professionals, customer service workers, hair stylists — anyone who deals with numerous individual people, called to assist (at least listen to) others who are processing a lot of negative conditions and circumstances — residual energy is literally an occupational hazard.


Here are some excerpts from reading requests I’ve received asking for psychic protection techniques for specifically human-to-human energy exchange. Listen to the following and see if you identify with any of these:

  • I need to be empathetic enough to effectively communicate, be able to explain my point of view without having to be defensive or worried about being attacked, still show compassion and a willingness to listen, YET remain detached enough that I can be true to myself, authentic, stick to my guns.
  • I find myself constantly being drawn in to other people’s drama. I’m a good listener, and I care about other people, but sometimes it feels like I’m a dumping ground for other people’s stress and bad energy.
  • My friends and family love to talk to me about their problems. I’m the one everyone comes to for advice. I feel that it’s truly my life purpose to play the part of the counselor. On the one hand, I do feel that I’m helping and being of service to others… but more often times than not, I end up feeling drained.
  • I proudly identify myself as a light-worker, a way-shower. I am very open, very intuitive, very sensitive. I want to continue growing and opening myself further, but there’s a part of me that resists. Just as I start to pick up on someone’s vibes, there’s a part of me that wants to rise up, slam the door… to protect myself. How can I do both?
  • I guess I’m what you call an empath. I am a psychic sponge — I absorb everyone else’s energy and I don’t know how to turn it off. Is there a way I can turn it down or protect myself without turning off?
  • I worry a lot. I worry about everyone. I worry for them. It’s like I have a sign on my forehead that says “Leave your problems with me.” I know it may sound crazy to someone who doesn’t experience it, but it can literally make me feel ill — my stomach is either in knots or my neck muscles are stiff all the time. I worry more than anything that I’m going to give myself cancer from carrying all this stress.
  • I try to be positive, but it feels like the whole world wants to tear down my attitude.
  • The relationship is over. It has run its course. We both know it, we both agree, and we both want to move on… But there’s still a lot that has to be negotiated in order for us to go our separate ways. Every time we even talk on the phone, it’s like the wound gets torn open all over again, and we both end up in tears. How can I move forward and heal without backsliding into that painful place that feels like square one?
  • Help! I feel like I’m under psychic attack. I’m afraid that if I open up my intuition too much, I’m going to make myself more vulnerable.

I most often share the following psychic “soft” shielding technique with empaths who work in para-professional or healing arts fields where heart-centered connection is a requirement. It has become a staple training in the Automatic Intuition program.


I’m sure you are familiar with the concept of Purple Light and White Light Shielding — Purple Light being the highest angelic vibe you can invoke for spiritual protection, nurturing, and support; White Light being the universal holy shield.


The thing to keep in mind about White Light is that it’s entirely impermeable and allows for too little heart chakra to heart chakra reflection/ interaction. White Light protection in everyday relationships is a bit overkill.


As an alternative to using White Light shielding, use Pink — the ethereal, aura color representation of your Higher Self. The color of rose quartz, which can also literally be assigned, associated, activated, and amplified by the crystals themselves.

When talking to (anyone with whom you may require this softer, tender-hearted protection) picture yourself sheathed in a column of pearly bubble-gum pink light, from just above your head extending all the way through the floor beyond your feet. Imagine it being poured on top of your head, starting at your crown chakra. I personally picture this substance as having the appearance and viscosity of liquid soap or shampoo. You might also envision that you’re Glinda the Good Witch in her big pink bubble — that’s about the the right size in relationship to your body/aura. (and, it’s just plain fun to call forth your Inner Glinda once in awhile. Even the biggest bad ass among us has an Inner Glinda.)


What happens is...When the subject you’re communicating with projects onto you, the most positive authentic heart-centered energy is reflected back to him/her. The Pink also allows for your loving energy — compassion, concern, good will — to pass through, yet the White Light (which is still present within the Pink) blocks negative energy.

So, it’s a semi-permeable shield — which expands the Highest Self-loving Energy that either of you project; and it’s a kind of filter — magnifying what you most hope to receive/ project, while still blocking negative psychic energy completely and absolutely.


If you have rose quartz crystals physically present, they can act as a switch or consciousness trigger for turning on this shield. I recommend that therapists and mediators actually have some piece of rose quartz in the line of sight of both parties; on the table or desk between you is ideal. You can wear rose quartz as jewelry or carry a piece in your pocket. Just seeing this color acts as a subconscious activation switch, even for those who don’t intellectually know the symbolic spiritual significance.

The Woo Woo Stuff — the visualizations, the meditations, the rituals, the spells — is really just a representation and a reminder of your commitment to a particular conscious intention. Just going into a conversation aware of what you want to block, what you want to project and receive, impacts your attitude and word choice and allows you to set the energy.

When you set a strong energetic intention like this — when you’re willfully driving the vibration — others must conform or deal with the discomfort. They have no choice but to match that energy or they have to leave. In which case, the integrity of the kind of conversation you want to have is ultimately maintained.

Remember, if in doubt, you simply express how YOU feel; that’s the most honest thing you can do. Your feelings are non-negotiable, no matter how controlling another person might want to be, or think they can be — when presented with someone’s feelings, there’s nothing they can do but accept them.

Anyone not down with the good vibes — who refuses, who chooses over and over again to be difficult — is undoubtedly someone not worthy of your time and energy. I’d say two chances would be my line in the sand — after which, as much distance and lack of contact you can make happen is entirely warranted.

You can’t have a war if both sides don’t show up.

We have legal channels and barriers if necessary — security, attorneys, mediators. (If you keep answering that cell phone when he calls and engaging in another verbal battle, you are participating.)

Don’t forget the most basic intention manifestation/ law of attraction factors — if you establish beforehand how you WANT the script to go, then you’re creating it — not reacting on the fly and finding yourself unequipped to provide the details of the Best Case Scenario.

If you prepare for the conversation going badly, if you prepare a dialogue of argument, the Universe will be sure to shoot that scene for you.

You may be pleasantly surprised, even blown away, by how positively others will respond and behave if YOU are prepared for them to.


Cord cutting

Clearing meditation

Astral projection (Erin Pavlina’s technique)

for those of you who practice any kind of psychic readings it’s really important to disconnect or log off readings - we are overly focused on tuning in - not logging off properly is like leaving a door or window open…

What I do is establish protocol with my guides, programming a particular object, or even better, an associated ACTION with energy management. charging a piece of jewelry remember, when I talked therapists having a large piece of rose quartz on the desk or table between themselves and their clients

Guide Assignment - let your guides manage all this My Secret Service protocol

All of this is a more advanced level of energy and protection, so I really want to stress the basics of being grounded. Especially if you are spinning in the ether, overanalyzing, overthinking, if you describe your circumstances as a cloud hovering over you, if you feel pulled in too many directions — if you feel like there’s not enough time in the day…

Ground your energy. If you feel overwhelmed, Focus on the basics, focus on the physical.

For me, that is exercise. If my workouts are maintained, it helps manage my appetite and most importantly it impacts my sleep.

If you’re not sleeping, you’re not in a state of mind to manage these more complex energies. Get the physical sorted first.

If you’re not a fitness buff, go for a walk every day. Just 30 minutes or 45. It will change everything. If you have physical limitations and that’s not an option for you, then work on visualizing your energy being grounded. Kundalini meditation would be good for you. OR start with perfecting a basic visualization of your spine growing down into the ground and becoming roots, like a tree.

THAT is great place to start managing the foundation of your psychic energy.


Thanks again for listening to the Shift Your Spirits podcast.

For show notes, links, transcripts and all the past episodes please visit

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If you’d like to get an intuitive reading with me, or download a free ebook and meditation to help you connect with your guides please go to

and if you’re interested in my professional intuitive training program, you can start the course for free by downloading the Attunement at


I promised to leave you a message in answer to a question or a concern you may have.

So take a moment to think about that — hold it in your mind or speak it out loud. I’ll pause for just a few seconds….right…now.


MESSAGE You just received a gift. A magical energetic gift. The ability to complete any creative idea you have. And if you jump on this now, with enthusiasm and optimism and perseverance, I’m predicting the positive outcome will be tremendous.

Don’t hesitate. Stop thinking about it, go for it.

And I’ll talk to you later.