Big Idea Channel

I feel that Ideas choose to incarnate, much as any form of Spirit. I feel that an Idea Whose Time has Come, will come. I may be called to be the channel through which it makes its way into the world; or you may be. Or that Ideas Whose Time Has Come may be beating down all the potential doorways at any given moment, and many of us may rise in the night to answer and let them in.

Relatively Quiet, Significantly Present

The Present may disappoint you in its ordinariness. Whether or not we are aware that we are in the Present, the Present can’t be said to care. It may indeed be one of the most important moments of your life, one you will always refer back to… You may glorify, embellish it, weave it into your Story in the Later Telling of it. But in the moment that you live it, that it happens to you, it can be so relatively quiet. Not silent. Indifferent. Preternaturally Calm. Detached.

Theotókos, The Mystical Rose -- Video

I was approached by filmmaker Liane Legey, of Humanity Healing Network, for permission to feature text from my morning invocation of Mother Mary in a video meditation mantra called Theotókos, The Mystical Rose.