Slade December 31, 2016 Goals Change Your Life in 3 Months Slade December 31, 2016 Goals Plan your goals in quarters. 3 actions per week x 3 months = change your life.
Slade December 11, 2016 Self-Esteem The Year End Review Post that Won't Make You Feel Like Crap about Yourself Slade December 11, 2016 Self-Esteem Do year end review posts from personal development gurus make you want to punch the author in the throat? This 2106 Year End Review promises not to do that.
Slade December 4, 2016 Spirituality What Happened to the Ascension? Slade December 4, 2016 Spirituality How do we view the ascension of humanity in the context of global right-wing political movements and religious extremism?