Are You a "Real" Writer Yet?

Automatic Author (regularly $195) on sale October 2012 for only $50. All the details are on this page:

Image - Spiral Notebook

To put it bluntly, are you still trying to be a writer -- the kind of writer who finishes?

Are you struggling to jump from the overwhelm of your big ideas, through procrastination, into the flow of productivity, and on to generating actual income from your work?

Maybe you've had some writing success, especially since you started blogging, but the big projects still seem to be more "painful" than they should be for someone who claims to want to write.

Whatever publishing route you decide to take -- whatever form of "book" makes you feel like a "real" author -- you need to crack the code on quickly and effortlessly producing and completing a lot of writing.

In October, I'm going to share with you the simple and practical system I use to automatically outline and execute all my tutorials, courses, workshops, workbooks, and ebooks.

It's called Automatic Author.

Maybe you think I make most of my living doing readings. Actually, the vast bulk of my income is generated from my writings. I make at least five times more in passive income selling even the low cost downloads like The Money Shift than I do in talking to clients one on one.

I adore writing as a career -- I produce a piece of writing in a couple of weeks and then sell it indefinitely -- with very little extra work beyond my weekly blogging. With each new release, my catalog of information products, my audience, my platform, and my income grow exponentially.

It's working.

And the system I use will work for you too.

One of my greatest intentions has always been to leave a trail of instructions, at each step of the way, so that if you want to share any part of my path you can come along with me.

Automatic Author

This feels different from any other work I've ever put out.

There's a saying about how a great mentor is one who aims for the abilities of others to surpass his own.

I believe that (so far) this is The Thing I can teach you which is most likely to make that true.

It's so. damned. practical.

Get out your big book ideas.

Slade's signature

Write Your Book!

Automatic Author (regularly $195) on sale October 2012 for only $50.

All the details are on this page:

Automatic Author - cover image

Image credit Mutasim Billah via Creative Commons on Flickr