You Might Be A Lightworker If...

In her book, The Lightworker's Way, Doreen Virtue defines Lightworkers as "those who volunteered before birth to help people and the planet heal from the effects of fear."

She also includes a handy checklist that may resonate with you.

You might be a Lightworker if you:

  • Feel called to heal
  • Feel called to solve social and environmental problems
  • Believe spiritual methods can heal
  • Have had mystical experiences - such as psychic premonitions, angelic encounters or interventions
  • Endured harsh life experience, conditions, or circumstances that have eroded your knowledge of divine perfection, yet the feeling that there is Higher Benevolent Power at work in the Universe persists, in spite of all this
  • Want to heal your own life and then the world around you
  • Feel compelled to write, teach, or counsel others
  • Know in your heart that you are here for a Purpose, even if you are unsure what that purpose is, exactly

The Lightworker's Calling is A Commitment

I must say that I have personally experienced and believe it to be true for others as well: that if you are called to the Lightworker's Way, then returning to your spiritual path and defining your life's purpose is imminent and must be answered to.

You must answer the call to stand in your highest integrity and use your life to serve the greater good - it will not just go away because you are afraid of it, the time isn't right, or you feel like changing your mind…

This awareness will persist - the call will become incessant, like a phone ringing and ringing and never going to voicemail. You may feel that everything else you try to accomplish is blocked or just never seems to pan out…

When you step out of your own shadow and begin to live your life with a selfless, spiritual agenda, you will experience the opposite of struggle. The very things that you fear won't be received well by others, or that might cause you to be judged unfairly, or that will bring more poverty and hardship - you must push past that ego-centered thinking - your difficulties will seem to magically reverse.

Lightworker's Amnesia

Many of us experience a kind of Amnesia - possibly for much of, or for large periods of, our lives - as the result of difficult life experiences, or what is considered "normal" social conditioning.

Erin Pavlina is one other medium I know of who also blogs about Spirituality and Life Purpose, and she specializes in helping people remember where they come from.

Lightworker's Mantras and Affirmations:

Where you stumble, there your treasure lies.

Joseph Campbell

On the other side of your fears you will find your fortune.

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Dr. Seuss

Your Life Purpose Is Not A J-O-B

Your Calling is not necessarily a career.

A few important points I'd like to clarify about identifying your life purpose:

Healing: Loosely Defined

Define heal in the broadest possible context. Healing is not limited to medical, clinical, scientific, or purely physical professions. Healing power is not limited in the form or media you choose as its vehicle or vessel.

I only very recently discovered that Words heal. This may seem obvious, given the professions of teaching, preaching, and counseling, but it is so much easier to see the content and context of other people's lives than it is to identify our own grace and power. For someone whose life theme revolves around writing and speaking, and who has spent these gifts primarily as a diarist and a writer of fiction for most of his life, the concept that words heal - that my words heal - was an absolute epiphany.

Your life purpose is not a job.

Do not confuse your mission in life with a job or a single, organized and defined profession or industry.

You life theme, your mission, your gifts, your passions are the things that always come through you, sometimes in spite of the job you do. Your purpose is the unique collection of Stuff you bring to any situation or circumstance. You actually don't have to try to pull out and execute your mission - it finds you. People feel it and respond to it, even when you are ignoring it, hiding it, or just not conscious of it.

Whatever It is, you're already doing it.

Your life purpose is not One Thing.

Your mission, your reason for being Here, is a synthesis and a synergy of everything you already are. Even the things that break your heart - even the things you hate about yourself or consider flaws - they are all ingredients in a unique recipe that is You.

Feel like you can't see the forest for the trees?

Does identifying your life purpose feel like you're looking for the perfect tree, considering each tree individually, and trying to decide which one is the right one to climb?

No one tree seems to be It, does it? You feel like you could spend your whole life trying out each tree, and you're afraid of wasting time, only to keep discovering

"That's not it... That wasn't the right one either... This one looks perfect, but the last time I thought that, it snapped like a twig..."

Back up, Goldilocks - there is no perfect bowl of porridge, there is no just right bed for you to find, there is no one tree to build your forthouse in...

Jobs may be individual trees, relationships may be too - You can't see the forest for the trees, and what you may not realize is that You are The Forest.

The whole danged wood is yours to name, claim, and explore.

If you're looking to go with the Flow, then maybe a watery metaphor will better serve you.

Rumi wrote one of my all time favorite mantras to this effect:

Give up the drop - become the Ocean.

How Much Abundance Do You Intend To Have?

You can at least dream Big, can't you?

Save the Reason and the Practicality for the Execution Phase of your Manifesting -- because the Universe is infinitely abundant; It knows no lack.

So why are you so quick to run off and begin manifesting with only manageable, limited intentions?

The fear of there being too little -- not enough to go around -- is only your perception. Your fears sabotage your intentions. You unconsciously send mixed messages to the Universe -- you ask for more, yet you don't really believe there is enough… or you don't really believe that you are worthy of receiving all that you ask for…

Maybe, because of your fear, you ask for less.

There's a Question even more important than:

"Is the glass half-empty or half-full?"

How you choose to perceive what you have is crucial to discovering more of it in your life, and there are plenty of arguments out there to convince you of how critical your optimistic bias is -- [link The Right Way to Pray] -- what my friend Diannia nicknames so well your "attitude of gratitude."

But back up a minute, and let's look at this glass you're using…

Universal Abundance flows like a fountain, it will fill whatever cup you bring -- I'd even go so far as to suggest that the Universe offers free refills to dine-in clients -- your cup represents your intention.

How much do you intend to receive? How much are you worthy of taking?

Here comes the hose -- the downpour shows no sign of letting up -- your cup shall runneth over -- but -- really important detail, here, people:

How big is your cup?

You can go to the well of Universal Abundance, you can ask, and you shall receive, you can have as much as you can carry away -- "your intentions can be a bucket, a coffee mug, or a thimble…"

So, how much wealth can you carry? How much joy can you stand?

[paraphrasing source: Sonia Choquette]