Creativity and spirituality are intrinsically linked in your overall quality of life. You cannot allow your big ideas to languish on the back burner and feel satisfied with your life.
As a creative soul, you must have a channel for expressing your creativity, however you define it. (And definitions of creativity are diverse.)
MAKER MOVEMENT The information technology revolution, global connectivity, and social media have given rise to a “maker culture."
We don’t just consume things we love anymore—we make them too. Now, because of the tools available to us:
- if you love learning, you develop and teach your own courses
- if you love music, you record and produce your own compositions
- if you love reading, you write and publish your own books
- if you love crafts, you make and distribute your own one-of-a-kind creations
- if you love photography...
You can engage your creativity at any level — hobby, side hustle, full time career.
CONSUMING or CONTRIBUTING “Consumer culture” was getting a bad rap for a while, but a global phenomena of creative light has emerged from those shadows.
You’re either consuming or contributing—hopefully, you’re doing a little of both.
NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME Maybe it’s years of back-to-school conditioning, or a shift in the weather, but I always experience a surge of creativity in September, October, November...
“Fall Term” is like New Year’s for creatives. This is when I set my best intentions — and succeed at some of my biggest goals.
WHAT I’M WORKING ON I'm 96% of the way through the edit of my fiction project, a historical fantasy series called Havenwood. It goes out to my beta readers for developmental edits this fall, then onto my editor and cover designer.
Havenwood is a doorstop, so I’m considering releasing it as a trilogy, with Books I & II coming out simultaneously in early 2016. (Spring?) We shall see.
I have two more short novels in the urban fantasy world of Cloudbusting I hope to pen during this year’s NaNoWriMo. By this time next year, I would like to have 6 novels out.
If you’re interested in my progress, follow me on social media or join my FICTION mailing list.
WHAT ARE YOU WORKING ON? What about you?
I’m asking!
Sharing your intentions with everyone can be a powerful manifesting tool… Post a comment to this thread on Facebook or tweet me #iammaking.
If you’ve got any kind of non-fiction writing project on your agenda, if you’ve thinking about it and want to just finally sit down and DO IT — this is The Process I wish I could go back in time and teach my teenage self. My personal wealth + my creativity. Here. This.
Automatic Author is the one practical tool I have to offer, and it's 75% off, right now.
NOT SURE WHAT TO DO? If you want to discuss your creativity and discover the perfect outlet for you, please book a reading with me.
Image credit Simon Goez E. via Creative Commons on Flickr