Not Knowing is a blessing. Wondering is a state of the greatest potential. It’s the stage where everything begins. Nothing “New” escapes the initial form of Question.
Discover Your Life Purpose -- A Pessimist's Guide
Your Life Purpose is your joy, right? You’ve been told your sense of purpose is somewhat like your shadow, only pastel, smiley, faintly luminescent, and generally more admirable than the rest of you... If this optimistic angle hasn't helped you find your life purpose, try this alternative punch in the gut-check. Featuring guest appearances by Tinker Bell, Katy Perry, and Karen Walker.
You Know What I Find Amazing?
When you consider the eye-blink in time in which we dwell, how can it be that we have come to know one another? What are the Chances? What are the Odds? Stop this week to consider the precision and force with which unimaginable abundance still manages to find you -- the rarity and perfection of the connections between souls in the briefest parcels of time.