It’s Chicken Little Time again…
Mercury is Retrograde April 28 to May 22, 2016
...3 weeks, 3 times a year (4 times in some years) = 2 to 3 months per year...
That's a huge chunk of your life to spend in fear of getting shit done.
Mercury impacts communications and technology. Writing, computers, talking to people one on one, mentoring my peers... Um, my entire career pretty much revolves around all that. I’m story-gridding a fiction trilogy, launching a non-fiction title, and running an ad campaign … all during this Mercury Retrograde.
I don't have 3 weeks to put the core my working life on hold.
If you’re a creative professional, you probably have multiple projects in various stages of completion… and a big new idea on the horizon, right?
You always got to be starting something...
Attention to Detail It’s not all brainstorms and rocket launches. Some phases of the creative process are perfectly aligned with the energies of a Mercury Retrograde.
Creative activities that begin with Re- Re-build. Re-design. Re-discover. Re-establish. Re-evaluate. Re-file. Re-finish. Re-frame. Re-fuel. Re-mix. Re-master. Re-organize. Re-plenish. Re-search. Re-touch. Re-view. Re-vise. Re-work.
Slow Motion and Hyper Focus If revisions are just not going to move your projects forward at this time, then consider the benefits of simply working more slowly and carefully during this period.
Procrastination could make a great excuse out of Mercury Retrograde — if you let him get away with it.
Image credit Thomas Hawk via Creative Commons on Flickr